Discussion > Alcohol counselors on Long Island, NY?

How can I locate an alcohol treatment facility or therapist who uses your methods? I am located on Eastern Long Island, NY.

September 2, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterLindaT

Hi Linda,
I am frequently asked about people or treatment centers where my approach is in use. I know of some, of course, but unfortunately I have no way to know all those who have read my book and changed their way of treating addiction because of it. That said, I would make the recommendation I do in the book: since addiction is a psychological symptom it may be best to locate the best therapist you can find and see if that person already knows about my academic work or The Heart of Addiction. If s/he doesn't, you might suggest s/he take a look at a copy. To find a good therapist I generally suggest searching in the list available from the American Psychoanalytic Association (http://www.apsa.org/Find_an_Analyst.aspx); members are listed by state and city. Don't be hesitant to ask about orientation toward addiction or to suggest therapists look at the book. And, needless to say, avoid anyone who thinks your addiction cannot be treated as part of an overall psychotherapy.
Good luck!
Lance Dodes, M.D.

September 6, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterAnon