Dr Dodes; I just finished both your books. I read them because I am looking for as much information as I can about addiction since my son is a recovering heroin addict. I found the 12 step program missing what I needed since I wanted to know why and how the addict uses. I must say your books opened my eyes and has given me new hope. My son did not last long out of treatment before using again but at least I know now to look into the psychology and not dwell on the symptoms. I found very useful the chapter in your book where you presented real world cases and asked the reader to identify the defense mechanisms, etc. It helped me open my mind to apply the many fine points in your books.
Maybe you could right a new book filled with such examples? Thank you, again Jim M
Dr Dodes;
I just finished both your books. I read them because I am looking for as much information as I can about addiction since my son is a recovering heroin addict. I found the 12 step program missing what I needed since I wanted to know why and how the addict uses. I must say your books opened my eyes and has given me new hope. My son did not last long out of treatment before using again but at least I know now to look into the psychology and not dwell on the symptoms.
I found very useful the chapter in your book where you presented real world cases and asked the reader to identify the defense mechanisms, etc. It helped me open my mind to apply the many fine points in your books.
Maybe you could right a new book filled with such examples?
Thank you, again
Jim M