Discussion > The Heart of Addiction
Congratulations! I am glad your work is spreading. I just found you today and look forward to learning more. I saw an article in Psychology Today. I have been fighting shoplifting since 2008. I have learned a lot about myself during this time. I can see how your theory could help me. I don't think I can identify my triggers. Many times I have said (regarding other subjects) 'I never knew what question to ask." Maybe I could get an answer if I did.

I am about half-way through reading "The Heart of Addiction", thank you. I heard about your book via Gillian Riley's book "Eating Less" in which she talks how to go about eating less but without much explanation of what addiction really is.
I love healthy wholesome food and my diet (food way of life) is very healthy compared to most people, but I am addicted to overeating and having read just a few chapters of your book and applying my own philosophy (based on my unusual method of counselling and psychoanalysis) I have uncovered the underlying emotional reasons and am exploring how best to manage the triggers.
When I told a friend I was reading a book about addiction, he asked if I were able to put it down. There might be some truth in that!

Dear Dr. Lance,
My name is Tony Herold, Publishing Coordinator at Jarir Bookstore.
Kindly excuse me for the means and method of writing to you in this manner.
We are interested in reviewing your book for checking the possibility of translating and publishing in Arabic. Hope you will be interested.
Look forward to your reply,