Discussion > Finding a Good Therapist

Recently an anonymous person posted a request in this discussion section for referral information. I have suggested good ways to find competent therapists in my first book, "The Heart of Addiction," in the chapter titled "Treatment". Please refer to this if interested.

October 6, 2014 | Unregistered CommenterLance Dodes, M.D.

I have recently gone through several months of the treatment industry and its failures with my wife. I hadn't read your books and accepted the conventional wisdeom when we chose a treatment/rehab facility ($32K) for alcohol abuse. Her experience was a nightmare and they failed to properly titrate her from benzos (she has been on 2mg for over 20 years)and she experienced nightmarish symptoms and was discharged after two hospitalizations because the rehab facility said she wasn't medically stable. She attended the IOP at MacLeans which was a mixed experience and we are now seeking a qualified therapist in the greater Metrowest or Boston area. I have read you book The Heart of Addiction and checked out your advice for general referrals, but it still feels too broad to locate someone who follows your theories, which make more sense to us. Can you provide any more specific help?

March 14, 2015 | Unregistered Commenterhoward

Dear Howard,

Please leave me a message with your email so I can reply personally.

Lance Dodes, M.D.


March 17, 2015 | Unregistered CommenterLance Dodes, M.D.